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Wednesday, January 27, 2010
This has got to be one of the busiest, most pressurising and most stressful school term that I have ever experienced.
To start off, there are a ton of assignments that I have to do. All these ongoing projects and homework are killing me! I cannot rush through them, as many of these assignments contribute to my CA1 percentage for this term! Much of my stress comes from this workload.
Next, commitments to my co-curricular activies are preventing me to have ample time to complete my assignments! I will not be able to cope with this much longer.
Finally, to add insult to injury, there are a few common tests coming up which I must score well in! All these common tests and assignments all determine the score that I will get in this hectic term, and if I don't do well, I will have to shoulder an even heavier workload. Tuition, remedials and enrichment classes will find their way to me if I do not produce good results.
I think I will have an emotional breakdown soon. I think it will be inevitable.

4:59 AM

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Looking back at the past 7 years of my primary and secondary school life, recollections of my teachers race through my mind. Some teachers were (or are) nice and good. Others were (and are still being) despised by me. They were the worst teachers i had met ever since i had my first lesson. I don't want to point any fingers or mention any names, as i do not want to offend anyone by directing this message to anyone in particular.
There are sort of teachers who do not listen to anything you say. Once they think you have done something wrong, they do not even bother to hear your explanation, it is just a one-way ticket to the detention room or discipline master's office. That is really unreasonable.
There are also the sort of teachers who like to show their power. They pick a scapegoat and punish him/her to oblivion. I don't think that is allowed, right? It is not fair to pick on someone like that. It feels like you are being bullied - and you can't do a thing about it.
Despite all these bad teachers who plague the world of education, there are even more teachers who I truly respect. These teachers become part of the class when they teach. We laugh together, learn together and play together. Sure, we get scolded by these teachers from time to time, but behind all these harsh lectures hurled upon us, there is a useful life lesson to be learnt. So far, I do not have a personal vendetta against any of the teachers in secondary school.


3:53 AM

Monday, January 25, 2010

Unimaginable horrors lurk in the storehouses of my school.
When you look at the storehouse from the outside, it seems like an innocent-looking place where you store things. However, behind that closed shutter, pests dominate the dark utopia the storehouse provides for them. How do I know about all these things? Well, I was given the privilege to clean it.
We started by lifting the shutter up, exposing its contents. Rolls of carpet grass and bags of black rubber bits. Nothing abnormal. We started moving the bags of rubber bits. A few things happened:
-Cockroaches sprang out.
-Having seen the cockroaches, my friends, who were helping me clean the place, screamed in terror.
-Desperate and left with little choice, we began to step on the cockroaches. Some fled into the nearby drain.
-Everyone calmed down.

So we continued cleaning up the storehouse. Then, as we moved another bag of rubber bits, we saw
clinging on the bag. I'm not talking about those flat house lizards. These lizards had scales. They looked like miniature crocodiles, without the teeth. Realising that they were in broad daylight, the lizards fled back into the darkness of the storehouse. Everyone was now wary of the life forms the storehouse had helped to breed.
As we moved deeper into the storehouse, clearing out all the clutter in it, we moved a roll of carpet grass out.
A rat scampered out.
Everyone freaked out.
The rat scrambled into a pile of bags of rubber bits.

We shifted another piece of carpet grass. It was unrolled and stretched out on the floor. Fearing the appearance of more pests, we held the carpet grass by its ends and dragged it out. We were then told to flip it over. Bracing ourselves, we flipped the carpet grass over. And on its underside were...
Some were dead, others were still crawling all over the place. Luckily, we had a can of insecticide. Some of the cockroaches escaped into the drain, while others felt the wrath of our 'Baygon instant kill' insecticide. But the cockroaches could not die. They did not fall to the power of the 'instant kill' gas. We stepped on them anyway.

Finally, after battling wave after wave of pests, we cleared out the storehouse. Everyone was relieved. Then we saw one last cockroach. And we...
Spent the last of the insecticide on it.


3:59 AM

Saturday, January 16, 2010
I have several interests. As I do not want to bore readers to death by stating every one of them, I shall just talk about one.

One of my interests is drawing. I love picking up a pencil and start to draw on a piece of drawing paper. It might sound dull, but it sure isn't. Drawing relaxes me and calms me. The mere action of holding a pencil and sketching distresses me and eliminates any tension. While I draw, I will simultaneously indulge in another of my interests - listening to music. Music calms my soul as well. Even the melody of rock can soothe my nerves. Therefore, my listening of music while drawing is equivalent to a relaxing spa. Music also gives me the inspiration I need while I draw.

When going through this ritual of drawing and listening to music, I go into a semi-conscious trance ; half awake(half dead). As a result, the music I listen to sort of controls my hand and determines what I draw. For example, the songs of Linkin Park make me produce a skeletal horror that may have a vague resemblance to a fallen angel or something you might find if you open the coffin of a dead person.
If I listen to classical music or something calming like Owl City, my hands will sketch out a nice peaceful landscape consisting of various natural elements like mountains and trees.

However, there ARE times when I have no idea on what I should draw. Authors have writer's block, I have an 'artist's block'. It seems unlikely, but it does happen from time to time.

Well, that's about it. One of my interests.

5:41 AM

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Singapore offers a wide variety of mouth-watering food to everyone. For some, the mere sight of a particular Singaporean/Malaysian dish may send him/her charging to the toilet to vomit. Alas, it is the sad truth. It is natural for everyone to have their likes and dislikes. Take the durian a fine example. A sharp thing with an uncanny resemblance to a needle ball may not necessarily appeal to everyone. If that was not enough, the stench it emits might also cause throwing up. But despite its disgusting exterior, the interior of a durian is a far cry from something bad. Taiwan's famous 'smelly tofu' is another example. Even though its smells (really), it is actually delicious once you taste it.

After saying all this, we can now accept the fact that in someone's perspective, there is food that is pure bliss once you taste it, and there is food whose existence must be wiped out on Earth. But Singapore has a particular dish that has no reason to be despised (well, practically no reason). It is the world famous Hainanese Chicken Rice. Succulent chicken meat boiled in stock, accompanied by a serving of rice and some pieces of sliced cucumber. The rice served is not just any ordinary rice. It itself is the embodiment of delicious. It is impossible to explain the wonderful taste of the dish altogether. This is how almighty the Hainanese Chicken Rice dish is. I have to give it its due respect by making every word in it a proper noun. Though I am not a food critic nor a food guru, I like to eat all sorts of delicious food.

Be it a hawker centre(where you eat food at your own risk) or a restaurant(where you are starved to death by all the waiting) or simply a fast food restaurant(where, if you ask me, is by far the best place to dine in), the food that is served in Singapore(and other parts of the world) is delicious. (I apologise for all the parentheses in this paragraph. I simply can't help it.)

2:06 AM

Monday, January 11, 2010
Sorry if this blog seems a bit empty or incomplete. I promise to fill it up soon.

4:37 AM

Sunday, January 10, 2010
HELLO! THIS IS MY BLOG. As the blog title says, my name is Bob. Pure and simple. I created this blog for an english project. But, my creation of this blog is not solely for the purpose of fulfilling my assigned task. I want to acquire the basic knowledge of the creation and maintenance of blogs, so that if need be, i can create another one in the future.
I live in a very unique country. It is

Larger than Vatican City,
but smaller than Japan.
Take a look at your world map. Spot a little red dot. I live in that tiny little red dot. Yes, I live in Singapore. Though it is small, Singapore far from dull. It is a metropolis of bustling activity. I consider myself lucky to be here. Very lucky.

Anyways, a warm welcome to my blog.
I hope my posts will not be boring.

8:12 PM


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January 2010

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